Assignment 2 Question 1

1. As discussed in class, please provide three reasons why visuals are important to web content. Please ensure you go into detail for each item. (6 Marks)

The use of Visuals for web content is very important as 65 percent of the world’s population are visual learners (Avado Learning).  Text content is very important however in order to capture the viewer’s attention a visual element to complement will be sure to capture more attention. Visuals are more likely to stay present in the viewers mind for longer than just text. If someone reads texts with no visuals they will likely only recall 10% of that information within the next 3 days, if a visual element is added they are likely to recall 65% of the information (Movable Ink). This is a crucial aspect to advertising because our goal as advertisers is to implement brand awareness. Adding visual elements to web content allows people to remember your content. Visual elements also create a better understanding within viewers. Viewers are able to fully grasp the concept of the content and its intent with visuals. This is because 65% of people are visual learners and need to see a visual  representation of the content to fully comprehend the meaning of the content. Visuals are easier to comprehend than text. You can determine the meaning of a visual representation much faster than just text. People who browse the web are very conscious of their time and do not like reading a lot of complicated text, they prefer short sentences they can scan and visual representations of the content they need. Visual elements can trigger emotions more so than just text. Giving a visual representation of the content can help trigger emotion within the viewer before even reading the content. Triggering the viewers emotions before they read content is important because it is what captures their attention and urges them to engage more within your content. Adding visuals to your content ensures that viewers will remember your content, fully grasp the concept and intent of your content, and trigger their emotions. This is why visuals are so important to web content.