Question 5

Now you are going to apply what you have learned in class. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #4) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in class. Please go into detail for each. (12 Marks)

“The Loveable Monster, Elmo Shocks the World with his Terrifying Leap Day Post”

With this headline my intention is to be as short and concise as possible. Being concise helps portray the main idea right away. It limits the chances of confusion and difficulty understanding the purpose of the content. It is written in plain language that allows for the ability of many people to read it. Using plain language is crucial when writing a headline as it ensures that the headline can be read by the target market. I used power words that help give the headline some interest. The power words I used include, “Shocks” and “Terrifying”. It was important to develop a headline that was fitting for the audience. The beginning of the headline reads “The Loveable Monster, Elmo”, my reasoning for including this is making sure that the audience that’s intended to be reached will be reached. Elmo is a character that many people love, including this in the headline will ensure that people will resonate with the headline. This headline includes curiosity, which brings people to read the content. I did not want to reveal what the post was due to the fact that readers would not find a purpose on clicking on the post.

“Elmo leaves the Internet in Disturbance with 1 Leap Day Post” 

This headline included a number to capture the attention of viewers. Numbers in headlines can help draw more readers in. Utilizing numbers can help intrigue readers and help make a headline standout from the competition. Digital users tend to scan rather than read every individual headline on a page. Including a number in a headline makes a headline easier to scan and get the point of the article immediately. A number offers clarity and a concise read. Another element to this headline that makes it a well written headline is the use of the word disturbance, as this is a powerful word that captures the attention of readers. This headline also keeps the idea of curiosity alive. Curiosity is the driving force behind a great headline. Understanding how much information is needed to bring in a reader’s attention is very important. If you reveal too much the reader will not want to continue reading. 

“Fans are in disbelief after Elmo’s Leap Day Scares the Internet” 

This headline is utilizing the elements of plain language and conciseness. As I have previously stated, using plain language is crucial for a great headline. According to, plain language is efficient, clear, easy to understand, better for marketing, creates a positive image, and is universal. These are reasons why using plain language is so important. This headline also includes the element of power words that include “Disbelief” and “Scares”. Power words create a sense of persuasion to readers to continue to read the content. Persuading readers to continue on to read the rest of the content is the whole purpose of a headline. The use of plain language and power words are two elements that make this headline good.