Question 3

As per the headline in Question #2, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)

I believe this headline was very representative of the article that followed. The article was about Olivia Rodrigo’s tour and her set list. Olivia Rodrigo was a Disney channel star before releasing her music. With Disney stars it is important for them to uphold a certain image that represents the brand of Disney. Olivia Rodrigo has always had an innocent image that represented Disney very well. Disney is very consistent with branding their stars as perfect role models for their viewers. This is what the article discussed, “She started her set with some yearbook-esque imagery that referenced her past: the young Disney starlet that fit the mold of a teenager with immense potential as she performed her hits “Ballad of a Homeschool Girl” and “Vampire,” before saying goodbye to the old Liv with a piano rendition of the hit that made her who she is: “Drivers License” (Rolling Stone 2024). The article then went on to discuss the more raunchier parts of the concert that were quite shocking to fans. The article claims that she made many different lyric changes that were in contrast to her typical clean music. The headline read “On Her Guts World Tour, Olivia Rodrigo Is No Longer the Girl You Thought You Knew” which was explained further in the article. The article clearly stated that the good girl Disney image that once represented Rodrigo is no longer due to the profanity, ranchiness and sexual nature of the concert.